Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | 5 Facts About Dog Bites

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It can be scary to think of your child or family member being bitten by a dog. It’s even scarier to think about being bitten yourself. If you or a family member is injured from a dog bite, you need a personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois. At Sethna & Cook, we can get you the compensation you deserve for your injury. Contact us today at (630) 574 – 3600 for a consultation.

If a dog bite happens, you need to know what to do so that you’re safe and get the right medical attention as soon as possible. Learn some facts about dog bites, how they happen, and then learn what you can do to be prepared if this ever happens in your life.

Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook

1. Dog bites are common

Dog bites are more common than you think. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and more than 800,000 receive medical attention for dog bites.

When dog bites do happen, about 1 in 5 require medical attention. Any type of dog can bite and no matter the size, can cause serious injury. If not treated quickly and effectively, a bite can become infected and create even bigger problems. When a dog bite does happen, seek medical attention. Then, contact a personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois to help you recover compensation for your injuries. 

2. Most dog bite victims are children

According to the CDC, about half of all dog bites involve children under 10. Most of those bites happen on their faces and necks. In fact, many kids that get bitten on the face have permanent scarring. Mot dog bites affecting children happen with dogs kids interact with and know. 

Children need to learn how to respect animals and understand cues for when animals want to be left alone. They should know how to approach a dog and to ask permission from a dog’s owner if they’d like to pet with or play with the animal. Teach the children what to do if they are confronted by an aggressive dog. 

There are some things that children can be taught to prevent dog bites. However, if they are bitten and sustain injuries, you will need a personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois to help you get justice. Contact Sethna & Cook Law for a consultation. 

3. The majority of dog attacks occur on private property

Most dog attacks occur on private property. It’s important to know that only a small percentage of dog bites occur in public places, such as parks and playgrounds. The majority of these incidents happen on private property. Victims could be family, friends, or invited guests or people who are trespassing. reports that homeowners insurers paid out $1,136 million in liability claims related to dog bites and other dog-related injuries in 2022. The average cost per claim nationally has risen due to increased medical costs as well as the size of settlements, judgments and jury awards given to plaintiffs.

When a dog bite occurs, a personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois can help you. You may be entitled to medical expenses, ongoing medical care, and lost wages and the attorneys at Sethna & Cook can help. 

4. Many people are bitten by their own pets.

Many people are bitten by their own pets. In fact, dogs are more likely to bite their owners than strangers. If you are bitten by your own dog, it’s important to be aware of the risk of rabies and see a doctor immediately.

If you have two or more dogs, the likelihood of one of them biting you is higher. In addition, there are specific breeds that many believe to be problematic. In fact, in Illinois, cities are allowed to ban breeds like pit bulls, terriers, and rottweilers. Some believe you need to be more careful with specific breeds, but in general proper training can help prevent aggressive behavior. 

5. In almost two-thirds of cases, the animal is put down after a biting incident occurs

According to Illinois Legal Aid, your dog will likely not be put down or euthanized when it bites. In fact, it has to be ruled a vicious dog by the court. And, the court will allow you to keep it if you follow strict guidelines. Some of those guidelines include: getting the dog spayed or neutered, keeping the dog muzzled when it is off the property, keeping it contained behind a fence, and using a leash that is six feet or shorter. 

If a dog is labeled as vicious and gets loose or continues to attack people, it can be put down. In almost two-thirds of cases, the animal is put down after a biting incident occurs. This is because dogs that bite humans may be considered dangerous and unpredictable.

If you have been involved in a dog bite incident, our personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois will investigate all the facts and give you the support and attention you deserve. 

Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County Illinois | Sethna and Cook

Our personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois can help with dog bite injuries

If you or someone in your family has been bitten by a dog, it’s important to know what to do while you’re waiting for medical attention. Do not try to clean the wound. You should not attempt to clean out any foreign objects that may have been left in the wound, even if they are visible and protruding from your skin. If there are embedded teeth still present, do not try pulling them out yourself – this could cause further damage!

Do not apply ice or heat. Applying either coldness or warmth will only increase swelling around the area where you were bitten, which could make it harder on doctors who will have trouble getting an accurate assessment of how deep into tissue those bites went. 

If you or someone in your family has been bitten by a dog, do not panic. Seek medical attention and then seek the advice of a personal injury lawyer DuPage County Illinois. Remember that most dogs are friendly animals who just want some love from people so treat them well when they approach you, but when you are bitten, you deserve justice.