Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Common Causes of Dog Bites

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Have you ever been bitten by a dog? I know that, as a kid, I was bitten by one of my family’s dogs, and it wasn’t the best experience. There are many reasons why dogs bite people, and when they do you can suffer some serious injuries. If you are injured, contact Sethna & Cook to consult with our personal injury lawyer DuPage County at 630-574-3600. 

There are many causes of dog bites and you should know what they are so you can prevent them in the future. If you are an owner, the best way to prevent dog bites is to know your dog and know your environment.

  • You should make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercise every day, especially if they are a puppy or an active breed that needs a lot of activity. This can help keep them calm and reduce their stress level, which will make them less likely to bite someone when they’re upset or frightened by something that happens in their life (such as being separated from you).
  • Don’t allow children under 4 years old around large dogs without supervision from an adult; this is because young kids may not be able to recognize signs of aggression from dogs yet.
  • Adults should always supervise younger children when interacting with any breed or age of dog you own, even if it seems like nothing could go wrong.

Kids and the family dog

A dog’s instinct is to protect its territory and its family. Dogs will often bark at strangers, but they generally don’t bite unless they feel threatened or cornered. This means that your child should be taught how to behave around a dog so that he or she won’t make the animal feel uncomfortable or threatened. Your child can also be taught to recognize signs that the dog wants space or to be left alone. 

Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC

When your child is playing with the family pet, you should always supervise them closely and ensure that they are following all safety rules. They should never approach an unfamiliar dog without asking permission first. They shouldn’t pull on a leash or  touch the muzzle area if it appears annoyed by something. 

When children are playing alone with dogs and are unaware of the signs that a dog may be stressed, a dog bite and injury can result. Kids are the ones who suffer from dog bites the most because they can play inappropriately or rough with the animal. Even though you may teach them how to behave responsibly around dogs, they still may get bitten. When that happens, you need a personal injury lawyer DuPage County to help you. 

The dog’s age

A younger dog is more likely to bite than an older dog. Young pups are full of energy and playfulness, but they can also be unruly and unpredictable. If you have a puppy that’s biting, it’s important to keep them engaged in training so they don’t develop bad habits later on in life when they’re much bigger and stronger than the human family members around them.

Older dogs may not be as playful as younger ones, but they still have plenty of energy left at the end of the day. If you live with an elderly pooch who isn’t able to run around outside anymore, or if he suffers from arthritis or another condition that makes moving around difficult, you might notice him getting irritable more often than usual when people come over for visits. This could lead him towards biting someone accidentally if someone gets too close without warning first.

Whether young or old, a dog can unexpectedly bite someone when they are upset or startled. When they do so, you can contact our personal injury lawyer DuPage County to help you with your claim. 

Dogs bite when they feel threatened

It’s probably not surprising to learn that dogs bite when they feel threatened. When an injury results that requires medical attention or ongoing treatment, you will need a personal injury lawyer DuPage County to help you get compensation for those injuries. Biting can happen if your dog is not socialized with other animals, or if you have a new dog in the house and it hasn’t learned how to interact with the others yet.

If you are bringing a new dog into the house, make sure it is properly trained and respectful of your other pets before allowing them close contact. Also, keep in mind that puppies don’t reach maturity until around 18 months of age, so even though they look like adults now, their behavior will change as they grow up.

Contact the personal injury lawyer DuPage County at Sethna & Cook, P.C.

If you are a dog owner and want to prevent it from biting others there are a few things you can do. You can keep your dog in a safe environment that makes them feel comfortable and keeps them away from dangers. You can make sure they are on a leash when you are in public places and have a fence on your private property. 

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Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC
Personal Injury Lawyer DuPage County | Sethna and Cook PC

There are many causes of dog bites and even though we have the best intentions, they can still happen. It’s important that we all work together to keep our pets safe and to keep them from biting another person. When a dog bite does occur, you can seek help from our personal injury lawyer DuPage County. Contact us today for a consultation.